Boho, short for Bohemian, is an interior design style characterized by an eclectic mix of patterns, colours, and textures that reflect a free-spirited and non-traditional lifestyle. The boho style draws inspiration from a variety of sources, including global travel, hippie and counterculture movements, and natural elements. Here are 7 key elements of boho interior style: Eclectic Mix of Patterns: The boho style is all about mixing and matching patterns to create a unique and vibrant
Indoor plants can breathe life into your space, infuse colors, and reduce stress levels. They also fill awkward or empty spaces, breaking up the straight lines of modern furniture for a more pleasing feel. From an interior design perspective, here’s how to strategically use indoor plants in different areas: Bookshelves, Tallboy Dressers, and on Top of Kitchen Cabinets Trailing plants, such as Golden Pothos and English Ivies, work wonders. Let them gracefully hang down, complementing
Beach style, also known as Hampton style, is a highly popular interior design style that has captured the hearts of many. Its calming colours and textures create a sense of relaxation and tranquility. When creating a beach-style home, the first step is to determine a colour palette. Here are three beach-inspired color palettes inspired by nature: 1. Aqua blue and grey: This palette works well if you have a warm-coloured floor. Example: (image: Renoguide) 2.
Are you considering renovating your kitchen but finding it hard to commit financially? You’re not alone. According to the Archicentre Australia 2019 cost guide, the estimated cost of a kitchen renovation ranges from $15,000 to $43,000, excluding appliances. Here, I will show you how to update your kitchen without breaking the bank. 1. Use wallpaper to add patterns. (Image credit: Wallpaper can instantly add a wow factor to your kitchen without spending too much.
When it comes to kitchen remodeling, countertops are often the most expensive single item in your cart. From wood to laminate, from granite to marble, there are so many options to choose from. Among all these materials, many people are drawn to marble because of its jewel-like quality and luxury feel. However, there are scary stories about stains and scratches. In this post, I will go through the pros and cons of marble countertops, as